Fuel Storage Maintenance

Maintaining an efficient fuel storage system is essential for people and the environment. Maintenance neglect can result in costly repairs, lower efficiency, and even significant safety issues. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of fuel storage maintenance and give useful insights and ideas to help you keep your fuel storage system in good working order.

Fuel Storage Maintenance

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Importance of Fuel Storage Tank Maintenance

Storage tanks are used to store fuels and corrosive chemicals, so it is essential to take extra care of their maintenance and cleaning. They can produce debris and sludge over time, leading to corrosion and leaks. To preserve your tank’s longevity and the health of the fuel tank, the debris is needed to remove.

Fuel storage tanks that aren’t maintained and cleaned are also prone to oxidation, which can drastically reduce the life of your tanks. Regular fuel tank maintenance also prevents the need to deal with more significant problems later on.

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Fuel Storage Maintenance

Fuel Storage Tank Maintenance Tips

Propane tank testing ensures propane storage systems’ safe and efficient operation. The inspection involves several essential steps.

Make Sure the Tanks is Debris-Free

Check that the entrance to the tank is clear of trash or any debris and that the oil tank is easily accessible. If you place your oil storage tank in a fenced-in location, make sure to leave enough space around the tank. The recommended distance between the storage tank and the fence is approximately 2 feet.

Dirt and Dust

Dirt and dust can make their way into fuel tanks during the delivery process, primarily due to the usage of dirty discharge fittings. Furthermore, airborne dirt and dust may enter through breather pipes, and internal tank degradation may result in debris collection. It is critical to use filtering systems that properly remove excessive quantities of particles to protect gasoline pumps and injectors from abrasive wear.


A wide variety of microorganisms can flourish within the gasoline, including the infamous Diesel Bug, Hormoconis Resinae. This microbe is a filamentous fungus that usually lives in low water levels and continues to grow into multi-cellular filaments that pose a risk of clogging filters. These microbes have the capacity to form dense, gelatinous biofilms that securely attach to the surfaces of fuel tanks if left unchecked. To address these challenges, proactive steps must be implemented to regulate and destroy these bacteria, preventing filter clogs and the production of biofilm.

Check for Leaks

Regularly check for leaks in your tank, particularly on its pipes and valves, to prevent dangerous spills and pricey repairs. Normally, the fuel tanks have protection around them to reduce the leakage impact on the environment.

You should also keep an oil spill kit on hand, including sorbent materials, drain blocks, and leak-sealing putty. It will be helpful in case a spill occurs while you wait for the expert to come.

Examine Tanks Components

It is critical to inspect vital components of your oil storage tank on a regular basis, such as gauges and alarms, in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. In the event of an emergency or leak, locate the valve on the tank to ensure that the heating oil supply is turned off. If you suspect an issue with any heating system part, you should get expert assistance from an OFTEC-trained technician.

Prevent Water Problems

Moisture build-up is a major issue for a fuel tank, as it causes bacteria to enter the tank, affecting the fuel quality. These bacteria will affect the tank’s health and make it unstable for fuel storage if left unchecked.

To treat the microbial issue, biocides are used to stop its growth. Biocides not only eliminate pre-existing infestations by killing all bacteria present but are also incredibly cost-effective and prevent new microorganisms’ emergence. It is also suggested to use ethanol in fuel tanks that are blended with ethanol or diesel. Ethanol can help in dispersing and managing water.   

Prevent Sludge Build-up

The excessive build-up of sludge in fuel storage tanks is a major source of its deterioration. As a result, addressing this issue with a product especially built for this purpose is the most effective solution. When these products are used in conjunction with the biocide, it considerably boosts its capacity to kill microorganisms and maintain the system free of bacteria over time.

Fuel Storage Maintenance

Overall Fuel Storage Tank Inspection

The inspection of the fuel storage tank involves the following:

  • Check for evidence on the ground around the fuel tank of leaks. Even if you spot a small damp spot, take immediate action, as it can lead to more dangerous leaks in the future.
  • Is there any rust, corrosion, cracking, or warping on the tank body, welded connections, or pipework? Any deterioration in the tank’s integrity can lead to leaks, resulting in fuel loss and negative environmental impacts.
  • Check that the tank base and any supporting structures are in excellent working order?
  • Is there any questionable water content in the fuel storage tank? Symptoms include nasty-looking sludge, foggy gasoline, and an unpleasant odour. If water is suspected, you should schedule an appointment with a fuel tank cleaning professional before it clogs filters and ruins pumps.
  • Are all fill points and vents protected to prevent debris and water from entering the tank and polluting the fuel?
  • Does the bund need to remove any accumulated fuel, rainfall, leaves, or other waste? If a bund is full, it will not be able to keep the tank contents in the case of an inner tank leak, causing it to pour out.
  • Does your tank need emptying a fuel tray if it has one? Overfilled fuel trays can cause spills and other hazards.
  • Are the tank labels protected and in place? The labels are used to prevent incorrect fuel delivery, which can cause serious damage.

Overall Fuel Storage Tank Equipment Inspection

  • Do the hoses have splits and leaks? Some older hoses are incompatible with the rising bio content in today’s fuels and might become inflexible, necessitating replacement.
  • Does the fuel pump produce any noise and operate accurately? A noisy fuel pump might be caused by anything like clogged filters or broken vanes, both of which are inexpensive components to repair or replace.
  • Is the fuel level gauge giving an accurate reading of the fuel? In case of an incorrect reading, the tank’s contents may go unnoticed, resulting in an unexpected run out of fuel.
  • Are all the isolation valves open and close properly? If a valve becomes corroded or blocked and fails to work, the gasoline flow cannot be stopped or reopened in an emergency.


Proper fuel storage facility maintenance is essential for extending the life of your fuel storage tank. It helps eliminate possible problems through regular inspections, cleaning, and repairs. Remember to adhere to safety norms and laws to reduce hazards and preserve your investment and the environment. By applying this article’s maintenance recommendations and tactics, you can ensure your fuel storage system’s lifetime, efficiency, and safety for years.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To extend your diesel storage tank’s lifespan, follow these practices:

  • Keep the tank clear of any water
  • Keep the tank at a cool temperature
  • Avoid the tank from contacting zinc, copper, or other metal alloys

The average lifespan of a fuel tank depends on several factors, such as its quality, fuel content, environmental factors, and maintenance routine. On average, the lifespan of a fuel tank is around 10-15 years, but it can exceed up to 20 years with good care.       

Fuel tanks can endure for decades, but they deteriorate over time. Metal fuel tanks should be changed if they are damaged or seriously rusted. While plastic gasoline tanks have the ability to survive a very long period since the plastic does not corrode. But the downside of plastic tanks is they may bend slightly when put under strain.

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